About Us

Going out on our own was a difficult decision.  A part of that difficult decision was the knowledge that in the near future (1-5 years), we would undoubtedly be facing a downturn in the markets and the first real test of the nine-year uptrend, not to mention the fact that the Goldilocks global market of 2017 was now set as the expectation going forward.  I’m fond of saying that in an emergency, whatever should be done eventually, should be undertaken immediately.  While there was no emergency, I knew several years ago that this is how I wanted to use my experience in the financial world to help others.

Being an independent firm, we manage portfolios, service our clients, and write content.  That’s it.  Because we offer fees tied to client outcomes, we have a direct incentive to ensure your portfolio is optimized and our process is streamlined. If you work with a large, profit-center advisor, you know a few headwinds are working against you: sales goals, conference calls, middle managers, and corporate bureaucrats, just to name a few.  Being committed to fewer families allows us the ability to understand everyone’s unique communication style, anxiety level, and quirks (these are my favorite).

The only reason I mention this is to say that we are built for times like these, so use us.  If you’re a “hands off” investor; Fine.  If you’re someone who looks at their statement every couple of months; Great.  If you’re someone that is intimately involved and wants more education on why Amazon’s year-over-year revenue growth of 30% led to the largest two-day DECLINE in the stock in 4 years, even better.  We’re here for you.  And we’re not going anywhere.

Below are a couple of my favorite articles from the last couple weeks.  Enjoy.

– Adam

Diversification Means Saying Sorry – “Unnecessary risks can be avoided. Unnecessary risks include a host of decisions including, but not limited to; single securities, sector bets, reaching for yield, and failure to invest in almost half of the world’s stock market. Unnecessary risks can lead to periods of excess performance, but they are not a reliable strategy for the long term.”

Broker vs. Advisor – “The financial advisor is a stakeholder in the client’s outcome, a professional with something to lose should the plan fall apart or fail to be adhered to. Financial advisors are for people with complex situations who want a relationship with someone that knows them, understands them and will fight like hell to see their goals and objectives met in the future. Order takers don’t fight, they abide.”